Chapter 10

They passed the middle of the day with a drive up to the famous Gila Cliff Dwellings. The Texan’s sidekick took lots of pictures and the others climbed around and peered into the restored remains of an ancient Native American pueblo. They went through the museum and then got back in the van to return to the ranch.

Tonight, Dough-boy served the evening meal in the central courtyard area behind the main lodge. After everyone ate all they could of barbequed ribs with all the sides, the guests lounged around with beer or non-alcoholic cold drinks. Stace and Spark slipped away, while Casa again played his guitar for entertainment.

Dusk had begun to fade rapidly to dark when they returned. With faces dulled with soot and dust and hidden behind bandanas, the two cowboys burst through the back gate. There they separated to approach the group from opposite sides.

“Get those hands up. This is a stick-up.”