Chapter 1

I remembered getting hit by a truck and the next thing you know boom you are in this white room sitting opposite an old man who tells you that he is the Creator and that your death is a mistake and the one who was supposed to die was the girl next to you.I sighed and asked"So do I get to choose the world I get to reincarnate in or is it random?"

The Creator smiled answered, "Random actually."

I sighed "Let's get this started."GOD snapped his fingers as sin the wheel appeared out of thin air.I deadpanned "So a spinning wheel huh."GOD shrugged said, "Sorry kid this is the only way."

The spinning wheel was spun and it landed on Lorien Legacies.I was surprised it was a book I loved.But the Loric did pretty nasty disadvantage in the books and the movie was pretty good too.Although for some reason it didn't habe sequel.

I knew this world was going to get invaded soon my Magadorian he doubt they will let Earth go after getting all the Loric or Garde as I asked"Do I get any wishes?"Creator nodded and replied, "Yes 4 wishes."

I thought for while as this world was filled with gods who will just kill you just because they don't like you. I didn't want to just die at the whim of the gods then decided my wish and said"I want powers of Peter Petreli,Tommy Clark and Sylar from Heroes,2nd was Scientific knowledge from different movies and TV shows,3rd wish Creation and 4th wish a strong influential background."Call me lazy but I was not about to waste my time building a company from scratch after all the world I am going into is going to be soon taken over by Aliens so time is everything.

The Creator was thoughtful and replied, "The wishes are pretty easy but to be safe you won't explode like Peter almost did." Creator then waved his hands and continued"But remember, unlike that show all three of them gained many powers during their lifetime, the show you which only shows half of it, The 2nd wish will get you knowledge on how to create gadgets or inventions from different movies or TV shows. While the last ability is also possible since you will able to create things from other universe's like vibranium, adamantium, and stuff, but don't except things from anime.Also these powers get stronger as time passes and you will be able to copy powers tom the garde too."

I nodded as he thought about his ability was broken but it was needed as they are very useful. Next thing I knew I blacked out and woke up in a Mansion with memories as I muttered, "My name was Alexander Stark, and looks like GOD did give the best background."I looked at my face in the mirror as my face was a little chubby, with Black hair and green eyes, and was around 10 years old and I found the year was 2000.

I started to sort through my memories as I thought" So I have time to prepare as original events from 'I am number four' occur in 2011 which means I got 11 years before." Basically, I am the heir of Stark Industries, not the marvel one obviously as the company has dabbled in many fields and is well known throughout the world as I claimed down slowly went through my memories and learned everything as I found my parents are already dead and I am brought up by my families trusted butler Arthur and company is looked after by Erik James both these people seems to be created by god to match Alfred and Lucius Fox of Batman.I sighed thought"It's best to not waste any time."