Chapter 9

Alex after learning about the Loric Charms had found a way to deactivate the charms and sending the signal of her death as Alex was sure this would have made sure the other Garde move from their place. So everything was in place as he created a fake dead body for Maggie and Conrad while he waited for the Mogs to come close as completely modified their memories with telepathy and then waited to a distance as he blew them to hell.

After returning back to base Alex found both Conrad and Maggie watching him with awe as they couldn't believe a human had so many powers or Legacies as Conrad asked"Do you think he is a descendant of Pittacus Lore."

Hilde shook her head and replied, "I checked he does have some Loric blood in him,but I am not sure if he does not have that particular legacy."

Alex knew what legacy Hilde was speaking about it was Ximic which enabled the Garde to mimic and master any legacy that the user has witnessed. It is supposed to be very rare, and is expected to only occur in the leading Elder. The ability is said to be easier to use if the user felt the legacy being copied rather than just seeing it.

While Maggie being curious questioned"What are you talking about?"Conrad and Hilde shared a glace as both were discussing whether to tell them or not as Hilde sighed and explained"The Elders of Lorien are powerful Loric beings containing every known Legacy between them. These Loric live far longer than average Loric people and the titles are passed on every ten of thousands of years to those that Lorien recognizes as strong of heart. The leader of the Elders has a very unique legacy it is known as Ximic.It gives the Garde ability to copy legacies."

Both Maggie and Freya were surprised hearing this as Conrad added"The nine chosen Garde were chosen by the planet to be the next generation of Elders, taking on their predecessors' Legacies. They are expected to be more powerful than the previous generation. The Garde has been chosen to take on the title of Pittacus, they must revoke their original names until their death."

Freya recognizing something asked, "Where the nine of us chosen to be the next elders."Conrad and Hilde nodded as Alex decided to come clean about Setrakus Ra.

As Alex told everyone "I found somethings about our Mogadorian leader,he is a Loric."This shocked everyone as Conrad questioned"That can't be right we only have 9 elders."Alex shook his head and answered"He was the tenth Loric Elder, but that changed once he started his project. He thought of Legacies as a resource and tried to give them to non-Garde.But the rest of the Elders thought of them as gifts bestowed by the planet itself. He was voted to be executed by the rest of the Elders, including Pittacus Lore, his best friend.Pittacus was given the duty of carrying out the sentence. But his heart caught up to him and he exiled Setrákus Ra instead."Alex had more and more visions of the past as he was able get more info about Lorien,Pittacus Lore and other elders.

Hilde hearing this spoke"These legacies are a gift from Lorien herself,the idea of someone like Setrakus ra deciding who to have powers is horrifying."

Conrad who was thoughtful added "So he manipulated the Mogadorians and slowly turned them into his brainwashed followers"Alex nodded while Freya with worried tone said"He wants revenge for exiling him."

Alex shrugged and replied"I don't know what his end game is,but he definitely doesn't care about his fellow people.When Setrákus Ra was banished from Lorien, he hid away on Mogadore. Using the energy within that planet, he progressed Mogadore with science, technology, and magic. He called it the Gift. Over hundreds of years, Setrákus Ra harvested so much of this energy that the planet grew absent of it completely. The environment collapsed, and the flora and fauna died out. All that remains of life on Mogadore are Trueborn survivors or Vatborn creations of monstrous beasts and Mogadorian soldiers."

Everyone was horrified at what happened to Mogadore as Maggie who silent till now asked"So what do we do now?"

Alex replied"We locate the others and bring them togther."

But the discussion was cut off as Arthur came in and said"Sir,there is something going on with Mogadorians.It looks like they may have located another garde"This got everyone's attention.