Chapter 11

Alex,Hilde and Conrad and had reached the base getting inside by tricking the Mogadorians was easy with Telepathy.Alex went behind on of mog guards and knocked him out and used Telepathy to get memories of the base. Alex used technopathy to cloak him,Hilde and Conrad from security cams and used telepathy to make sure everyone who even noticed anything about them completely avoid them.Alex used the memories of the Mogadorians to find the way through the maze as he telepathically told Hilde and Conrad"We have move fast as it seems,they are planing to torture her Cepan Katrina after finding out the fact they can't do anything against Six."

Hilde and Conrad looked each with slight worry as they knew their main job is to protect the Garde even if it means giving up their life.Still they were worried about their fellow Cepan.Alex while cloaking both of them with his invisibility as he soon found their cell's location.Matt stared placing cloaked explosive charges in different location.He wanted to destroy the base and reduce the number of the Mogs.As he knew only Mogs who were not fully loyal to Setrakus Ra was small,Also if I think about it majority their species only surrendered after Setrakus Ra death was revealed.Even then many still fully remained loyal to him."

All three soon arrived at the cell as Alex blew the cell open and on entering they quickly took out the Mogs inside as Alex saw Katrina was awake,while Six was unconscious.Alex was guarding the door while Hilde made sure check Katrina.As the alarm went Alex quickly noticed Mogs coming their way as he said"Come on garb on."Katrina was hesitant but knew this is their only choose as she grabbed Alex hand and took hold of Six.As Alex quickly teleported back to the jet with everyone.Hilde went and started the jet,while Alex quickly took out a cylinder and with slight twist it opened up to release many small robot fireflies which stared flying towards the Mogadorian base,the mogs were confused at seeing these fireflies as Alex smirked and whispered"Art is an Explosion."

As the fireflies all started exploded causing many to die.In confusion and panic they all tried to enter the base to escape as Alex grinned and muttered"They are going to the place I want them to go."

Once all Mogadorians entered the base Alex pressed the detonator causing many explosion in the base.The explosion kills all of those inside and surrounding the base as quinjet' lost balance slightly from blast following the aftermath of the explosion as Katrina was questioning about how they are alive,as Hilde put the jet on auto pilot and explained everything to Katrina which made her surprised,shocked and awed at the fact a human having so many legacies and he was actively helping against the Mogadorians.Katrina even asked few security questions for to confirm the fact it is really Hilde and Conrad.

Katrina then went and started checking on the unconscious Six.Alex was healing her as Katrina questioned"How is she?"

Alex smiled and replied"She is just knocked out,she just need some rest.Also her time getting torture may have caused her to develop anxiety."

Katrina nodded as she asked"What about the Loric charm is it still active?"

Conrad answered this time"We had to remove the charm as it would have decativated if one and two would have met making the other garde defenseless."

Katrina nodded she knew it was tough decision as they couldn't risk the protection of the other garde and if they didn't Six would have been dead by now.

As Hilde said"We need to plan our next move,as I am sure the Mogs are alerted over the new attack on their base."

Alex shook his head and replied"They don't have anything to track you with,they don't think it is Loric.As in their mind all of you are in hiding and have no resources.They will think their is a fictional enemy after all the level of tech we just showed is not something humans possess.They may think this is something to do with the paladins or some other aliens."

Everyone nodded seeing this is possible as Conrad asked"But couldn't they think one of Lorien's old allies may be join us and was helping us."

Alex waved it off and replied"Again none of allies of Lorien will risk their planet for supporting close to extinct race without some form of reward for them.But should they really believe that then it is still good for us.As we will have more time to get the other garde trained while the Mogs follow this fictional enemy."

Everybody understood they were in the clear also Six woke was going to attack stance,but seeing Katrina she calmed down.Katrina explained the situation to her as she was happy they escaped the place.Also on the way Six got her chest as they didn't want to risk losing it.Alex was now thinking about the other garde who have changed locations as he then remembered Dulce Base and Plum island having captured Chimera's with them.