Chapter 33

[A/N:I am saving Maddy for now,she may die saving someone from the group into future or something along that line.I am only saving her because of the fact Nine would cause issues to the team.,like love can really cloud your judgement sometimes]

Alex flying the quinjet with Six in the passenger seat.They made their way towards small base were Maddy's parents were kept.The Mogs already had plans to to kill them after Nine was captured.

Maddy's father, an astronomer, "saw something he shouldn'thave."Somehow,the Mogadorians intercepted this and captured Maddy's parents, and presumably Maddy as well. Under Mogadorian orders, she was promised for her parents' release she had to find Number Nine.

Maddy went to Chicago to find him, and they became friends. He was known as Stanley Worthington. Maddy invited him on a date to the planetarium, where she and Stanley talked about their lives.

They were only saving the Maddy and her father because of nine their is chance the love sick idiot would go off on his own.

Alex,Six and Griffin are cloaked with their Cloaking tech infront of the base.Their ghostly outline flickering and changing with the eddies in the wind.

They were able slip into compound easily

as he uncloaks and activates his wrist computer which displayed a three dimensional representation of the Mog base. From a part if the base their is an electronic pulse.

As they made their

toward the building in which Mandy and her father are kept .After finding them he sets the charges against the outer wall of Mandy's parents room and fearlessly leans against the structure next to the

charges , he holds a detonator in his hand as Six and lean against the wall next to him .

Then ... BOOM! the charges blow carving a hole in the wall.Inside the Mogs are startled,they all break for the cell,but it was too late

As Alex suddenly spins inside , laying down cover fire,riddling the doorway with bullets and shattering the two-way glass.

Besieged with such heavy,the Mogs ducks down.Some of the Mogs dives clear of the doorway and the others scramble out for cover,It was complete mayhem as Alex told through the comms"You guys take him to the jet and make sure prep the jet."

Six and Griffin nodded as they quickly got inside grabbing Mandy and her father carrying them and edging back toward the breach, Alex then throws a live grenade through the hole in the wall,the explosion caused the Mogs to take cover once again.

One of the Mogs instantly dived to jump and take the grenade and throw it away,bu it exploded doing damage to him or the room.

Alex continues to fire as he placed a explosive charge and all of them teleported away to the Quinjet were Six and Griffin had already put both of them to sleep,they didn't want them to make the escape problematic.

Griffin said"Now let's get you out of here?"with that he jumped or teleported them back to the jet.

As Six hop in and begins start to the engines of the Quinjet,they were actually safe because of the advanced cloaking tech.As they were flying back to the base Six asked"So now we have them,what is the plan?"

But Alex felt something was wrong as he looked at the two who were trying to something through their gag.Alex quickly figured it out as he used tactile teleportation to get them away from the ship,it was close call as both of their heads spontaneously explodes. Literally Alex even with the quick reaction is thrown back .

The back window shatters and two armed thugs burst in .They open fire as Jack drags himself to the front window behind him and hur ls himself through it.It was complete mayhem.

Alex simply looked back at the base as he showed a the detonator and clicked it causing the whole base to explode.

While girls Ashworth Estate,Susannah,Adam And Kelly were planning for the future,they were planning to fake their deaths.As Susannah said"I already have everything in place,but before we go we need to get a prisoner out of here."

Kelly was confused questions"Who?"

Susannah explained"Malcolm was one of the greeters who guided the Loric and helped them adapt to earths culture.He has been captured and they are trying to pry information from his head through a mission,it has not been fully successful.We have to save him and at the same time destroy the base."

Susannah had already made plans with her uncle Marcus,all they had to do is wait for the perfect chance.

Which was the attack on the base as Adam's father Andrakkus Sutekh just like they thought went to investigate the attack.Now all they had to do is set up the explosive at night,which is a simple task for someone like Susannah or Adam as their status allows them to walk anywhere without being questioned much.