Chapter 35

[A/N:I will post the next chapter on Wednesday,I want ask if Number Three should be killed or not.Please comment on this.]

The Mogs didn't know a huge disaster was going to hit them in their Washington base.

Susannah had already made plans with her uncle Marcus,all they had to do is wait for the perfect chance.

Which was the attack on the base as Adam's father Andrakkus Sutekh just like they thought went to investigate the attack.Now all they had to do is set up the explosive at night,which is a simple task for someone like Susannah or Adam as their status allows them to walk anywhere without being questioned much.

The next Adam was tasked with blasting the main security camera servers,while Susannah waited and she then heard the blast that gave her the signal that the camera's are down.

She quickly went to the laboratory to get Malcolm,who has locked him into a chair with a metal framework overhead,the containment divide dropped down to lock in place around his head.

Susannah saw none of them noticed her,they were trying to calm down from the explosion they heard.

Her hands crept toward the matching blasters,hidden under her trench coat and whipped it out.Gunfire erupted from the muzzle of her gun killing all the scientists.

While she quickly looked around seeing no survivors,she quickly went and tore off the last of his restraints.

Malcolm was in some sort of daze and questioned"Who are you?"

Susannah answered"I am here to help,you have to trust me on this."

Malcolm didn't know who she was,but this was his only chance.So he took it.

They quickly regrouped,while the Mog were busy bringing down the flames caused by the explosion.

While Susannah, Malcom,Adam and Kelly already got ready to escape through the escape tunnels the Mogs originally built,but with time it was completely abandoned mainly because Mogs started getting more and more arrogant with time.

While they were walking through the underground escape tunnel,Susannah took out the remote for the explosives and steeling her mind pressed it.

Adam, Susanna and Kelly heard about the explosions from a distance.The blast resonated through the tunnels,while they quickly made their way out, once they did get outside William was waiting for them, when he saw Malcolm.He questioned, "Who is this?"

Susannah answered"He is one of the people, who helped Loric settled down here on earth.He was captured by Andrakkus."

William nodded and helped get Malcom into the truck, while quickly getting and driving away.While he noticed the Mog base had a lot of smoke coming from it, William whistled and said"You really did a number on them?"

Susannah nodded, while she then looked at Adam and asked"So did you get Ivanick?"

Adam nodded and replied"He is definitely dead the blast pretty strong killed him on spot."

Kelly hearing this smiled and muttered"That bastard deserved it."

Susannah agreed with her daughter and thought"I should contact Tony(Alex) soon."

While Alex, Six, Freya, Griffin and other Cepan's were discussing more about their future plans, when a projection Eve shot up and said"There has been an explosion at Mogadorian base called Ashwood Estates in Washington D.C."

This made Alex smile mutter"It seems Susannah and her children went to create a very big diversion to escape."

While he told them about Susannah, Adam and Kelly.He went on to talk about how Setrakus Ra brainwashed the Mogs.

This surprised and shocked many of them, while some of the cepans didn't trust the mogs, especially since they saw Lorien's destruction at the hands of the Mogs.

Alex seeing this said"We need their help too, it seems some of the mogs are readying a coup against Setrakus Ra, if we use this correctly we can get more allies to fight this war."

Hilde was the first one to agree and said"As much as I hate the mogs,I believe in you, boy."

Katrina, Sandor, Zophie, Conrad and Lexa nodded although reluctantly, while Alex spoke up"So we meet up with this group?"

Everyone slowly nodded and agreed.