Now starting canon

A small bunglow It's 20x20 square, with a wrap around porch and simple wooden shutters. The structure is hidden in a clearing that's been crudely hacked out of the sweaty wilderness.

Inside the but,two beds draped in mosquito nets sit on opposite sides of the space.

A teen boy sleeps in one and a middle-aged man lies in the other. Their ebony skin glistens in the swampy heat. The numbing throb of insects fills the silence until the Door Softly Rattles. The Teen's eyes fly open. Fear grips his face this was Number three or Humma.

As he looks over at his Cepan, Dante who is now upright and awake. They hold their breath, listening over the drumming chorus. another rattle. It's louder this time. Unmistakable. The Teen watches as

Dante pulls a crystal-handled dagger from side of his pillow and brings his legs over the side of the cot and gets to his feet and stealthily creeps to the door.

He cautiously leans in and peers through the bamboo slats.Dante takes a deep breath as he inches his hand to the latch.

The empty porch. No sign of life.A part of him was relieved, he turns back, opens his mouth to speak when his face contorts.

But then suddenly two claws burst through the door and grabs him, Dante meets Number threes haunted eyes and whispers desperate word..."Run!"

Three leaps from the cot, bursts through the rear wall.He doesn't bother with the door or a window; he literally, runs through the wall, which breaks apart as if it's paper, though it's made of strong, hard African mahogany. He tears into the Congo night, leaps over trees, sprints at a speed somewhere around sixty miles per hour He dodges trees, rips through snarled vines, leaps smal streams with a single step.

Flecks of moonlight ricochet off the crystal pendant that dangles around his neck. He moves impossibly fast. Faster than any human could and his sight and hearing are beyond human.

A monstrous howl echoes as something otherworldly catches his scent and begins thrashing in pursuit.Three'a face tightens with dread and the shouts of his pursuers hammer his ears. He doesn't look back, willing himself to survive.

But then he spotted someone just a few feet ahead of him,it was girl and she was wearing a biker jacket, combat boots and has a striking "don't-fuck-with-me" face.

She had arctic-blue eyes as they focus on the house with a strange intensity.At first his thoughts were enemy,but what got number threes attention was loric pendant on her neck.

It was Six who arrived it just the right time,she takes out her Loric sword,which gives otherwordly blue glow and yelled"Move"

Three jumps to the side seeing Six racing up and runs at the beast, sword held high.

It lunges down at him, fangs bared.Six leaps, spinning over its head and slashing at its flesh killing it instanly,she looked back at Three and asked"Are you okay?"

Three nodded and pointing towards his Cepan's direction said"They have Dante and they are coming here."

Six looked at thr direction and replied"Don't worry we have allies, they are working on it."

Six then looked at Three and added"But we need to move now."

[A/N:There are two pikens, one followed Three, while the other was on Dante]

While at the other side was Alex,who intervened the moment the Piken caught Dante.He was using his Ten Rings,he lifted up his sleeve and activated ten rings or arm bands that started to glow in purple or blue,even his veins in his arms have a slight blue hue.

Alex then with punching motion hurls rings at the Piken,as

the rings strikes it with huge force causing the piken to let go of him,while Alex saw Mogs coming his way yelled into his comms"Mogs are coning my way and Dante needs assistance.I needd back up here."

Katrina,who was flying sunbird arrieves a large futuristic jet that features hinged wings that fold forwards and backwards replied"I am there."

She fired series of blasts at the mogs killing them,while Alex went and started healing Dante,who was confused.For which Alex simply said in loric"I am a friend and three is safe."

Which made Dante's heart lighten now seeing three is safe.

Sun bird landed next to Alex, who took Dante inside.While he looked out and saw Six arriving with Three.

For three seeing Dante alive was huge relief, Katrina spoke up from the piloting seat"Maggie said the Mogs have sent a distress call, so more are coming.So we are leaving."

Alex nodded and went to three, while saying"I have to deactivate your protection charm."

Three was not sure about this, but Six explained the reasons.So he agreed and the moment it deactivated.

At this very moment in Big Pine Key, Florida, Usa.

A party rages on the beach.

Daniel or Number four was swimming and trying to makeout with girl,he had crush on her name was Tara.

.But at the very moment he felt it coming. The water around his leg started boiling, and and his lower leg started glowing where the scar was imbedding itself. The third of the Lorien symbols,

Fours face contorts in agony as he feels the symbol searing into his skin. As he leans forward to grip his ankle and suddenly needles of light flicker from the symbol. It's cauterizing into his flesh like a brand.

Daniel or fours crush help him stumble out of the water, she leans down to help.But the she sees light leaking from between his fingers and reels back.

The girl in question freaks out and yelled"Oh my God."

As Daniel or Four collapses onto the sand, clutching his ankle. He rolls onto his side as a crowd of partying teens gathers. He stares up into the crowd's fearful faces, then staggers to his feet and takes off running.