Chapter 34

Wylie stood behind him, watching as he found an online map of the town that he could copy to his graphics editing program. “Put their names beside each house, and color code them,” he suggested before Garry got started.

“Good idea. By?”

“Private houses where they live alone and the ones who live with family or boyfriends, because we don’t know if he might go after them if he gets the chance. And then the women who rent apartments on Market, or in one of the apartment complexes.”

“Got it.”

“You’re pretty smart about figuring out how to do things,” Carl said to Wylie.

“It comes from having been a detective, even though I never faced something like this.”

“No murders? You weren’t a second Sam Spade?”

Wylie snorted. “Not even close.” He returned his attention to what Garry was doing. “Interesting. Several of them live away from the center of town, and I don’t mean the four in the complex of Lower Earlston Lane. How many on the list do you know?”