Chapter 37

“All right, those of you who live close to each other pair off and use one of your cars to go home.”

“Use your phones to stay in touch until both of you are safely inside,” Wylie added. “The same goes for the rest of you. Pick a buddy, so to speak, and make certain you’ve both made it home.”

“Jim, Tommy, and I can be escorts,” Len said.

“Umm, no,” the first woman said, getting nods of agreement from the others. “It’s not that we don’t trust you, but…”

Len smiled wryly. “Understood.”

As Garry had suggested, the women paired off before leaving, with the men watching while they went to their cars to make certain they at least got that far safely.

“I hate this,” Len said angrily. “Whoever this bastard is, he’s making every unattached woman in town afraid of their own shadows.”

“Which sucks,” Garry agreed as he locked up. “Let’s hope to hell Kingman found something that will lead him to whoever it is.”