“It could have been a lighter dose, meant to keep her unconscious while he was gone,” Kingman replied.
“When she comes to will she remember who he is?”
Kingman sighed. “One of the side effects can be amnesia, so maybe not.”
“Damn it!”
“Yeah,” Kingman agreed, at which point he ended the conversation saying he had other things he needed to take care of.
Wylie spent the rest of the morning cleaning house to stay occupied and keep from worrying if what he had in mind was completely insane.
While he ate a fast lunch, he ran over his plan one more time, decided it wouldwork—It has to. I can’t see any other way to draw the bastard out of the woodwork. He made a fresh pot of coffee, pacing the floor until it was finished, and was pouring a cup when the doorbell rang. Answering it, he found Garry standing on the porch.
“Did you stop by the restaurant to let your crew in?” he teased.