Chapter 50

“Yeah, and at the moment…”

“We’re in the way of whatever you need to do next. Got it.” Wylie stood, quickly followed by Garry and Carl. “Thanks for agreeing to help out.”

Kingman snorted. “More like you bullied me into it, but if it works it’s worth it.”

“It will,” Wylie replied, almost under his breath. “It has to.”

* * * *

When Wylie and his friends arrived back at his house there was a package sitting on the front porch. From the return address, he knew it was the security set-up he’d asked John to send him.

“Do we get to watch you install it?” Carl asked.

“Sure, if you want. It’s not going to be all that entertaining.”

Several minutes later, Carl agreed it hadn’t been, grousing, “I was expecting cameras and motion detectors all over the place.”

“That would be overkill,” Wylie replied. “I…we need to be alerted when he opens a door or window, and which one. What I installed will do that once I program in the phone numbers.”