Chapter 13

There was a little shop where Charles intersected Mt. Vernon Street. I should have enough cash to buy a shirt there; I didn’t want to use my credit card and leave a paper trail.

* * * *

Back on Boston Common, I removed the glasses and caught a cab to Logan. It would still be early by the time the jet landed in Washington.

I’d call Theo. If he didn’t have anything planned, I’d take him out to dinner tonight.

And maybe—if I spent the night with him—I wouldn’t have nightmares.

* * * *

What an absolutely amazing night. I sat at the breakfast table, my socked feet up on the other chair, and watched as Theo poured batter into the waffle iron.

I’d been right. No nightmares, but a whole lot of sex.

The coffee he had brewed was hazelnut, freshly ground from beans he told me he’d bought from the Koffee Klatch. I took a sip and slid lower in my chair. There was a pleasurable ache deep in my ass, and my cock was half hard. “You’re a wonder, Theo.”