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Chapter 17

Brian scowled. “We hung out, remember?”

“I do. But it took some time before you showed up.”

Brian shrugged. “What’s this about, Cooper?”

“A concussion and three broken ribs. I can’t believe you beat him up, Brian!” Abe’s stomach threatened to turn. “How could you?” The tone of his voice was raw, but Abe didn’t care. He could hardly stand to look at Brian anymore.

“It was just to scare him off. I was trying to save you—”

“Save me? From what?” Shouting wouldn’t help, but Abe feared he’d hurl the phone at the wall if he didn’t unleash some of the fury boiling inside of him.

“I saw the way you were looking at each other. You couldn’t be gay then; it would’ve destroyed your career.”

“I wasgay then, it’s not something that changes! And what career?” Abe waved with his free hand. “We were teens, there was no fucking career.”

“The football—”

“I would gladly have given up football for him!” Abe took a shuddering breath. “How could you do that? How could you hurt someone like that?”