Chapter 32

It was almost a year after her sister’s death—a long, frustrating year of dealing with a man who refused to work with his team. Vance would send them off on jobs and oversee them from afar when necessary, but he adamantly refused to work with anyone on an assignment. He’d do it alone or he’d pass it off to the men under his command. She’d found out that held true for the Bureau as well, which was not making his superiors there happy.

“Get your ass in here now, Van. I don’t care what you’re doing or why, I want you standing in front of my desk in half an hour.” Without giving him a chance to reply she hung up, wondering as she did if he would obey her direct order or not.

Thirty minutes later, on the dot, Vance opened the door and walked into Makie’s office. Stepping directly in front of her desk he stood, hands gripped behind his back, and stared at her.