Chapter 44

It had taken a few minutes, Vance working hard to prove to the man that he knew was his father that he really was his son, but in the end Charles had accepted him wholeheartedly.

“I loved you, Dad,” he whispered into the raising breeze, hoping it would carry his words to wherever his father was now. Then, bowing his head, he cried for the first time since he’d learned his father was dead. Deep, wrenching sobs that shook his body as he wrapped his arms around his knees and let the pain out.

Finally, exhausted, he curled into a tight ball the way he had as a kid when he’d tried to protect himself from his mother’s anger. He slept, his tear-stained face buried in his arms.

Much later someone was shaking him and Vance sprang awake, reaching for the blade sheathed at his waist.

“Hey, hold on there,” a voice said in surprise when the blade lashed out. “I just wanted to see if you were all right is all. I’ll leave you alone now.”