Chapter 42

“May I have a cup of coffee, please?”

“Of course,” Dion replied. “Why don’t you have a seat in the living room? I’ll meet you there.”

Galen shook his head. “I want to be here with you.”

Dion was simultaneously pleased and shy. “Up to you.”

He then prepared two mugs while the water was boiling. He poured out some coffee powder from a huge jar into one of the mugs before placing a teabag into the other one. He liked coffee for breakfast, but he avoided it in the evening. Whenever he was in the mood, tea was his beverage of choice before bedtime. Once the hot water was ready, he filled up the two mugs and handed them over to Galen.

“Do you have some cream and sugar?” Galen inquired.

“Of course,” Dion answered. “Why don’t you bring those two mugs to the living room while I get you some cream and sugar?”

“All right. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”