Chapter 9

“All right,” he said, bleakly, and he opened his mouth when Lucretious put the bottle to his lips. He took one swallow, then turned his head away. It was a small dose, but he was a small person, and it would be more than enough.

Lucretious let go his grip on Kelwyn’s hair and sat back on his own seat, stoppering the bottle. Kelwyn let his head fall and his eyes close. He lay still, dark despair filling him, until finally the poppy milk began sending its creeping numbness over him and he escaped willingly into the darkness it offered.

* * * *

“Harun, come on. We’re leaving at noon.” Velanis, the royal mage and more or less head of the Queen’s Own made a beckoning gesture. Harun had just left his room, and it seemed Velanis had done the same, as he’d shut his neighboring door behind him.

“I’ll be right there. I expected Kelwyn to come see me off, and I haven’t seen him all morning. I’m going to check in on him and make sure he’s okay, and I’ll be right there.”