Chapter 19

“He likes you quite a lot, you know,” said the Queen softly, once Harun was gone.

Kelwyn jumped. “Wh-what?”

“He talks about you nearly constantly.” She smiled. “At least for him. He’s a reserved sort of fellow. But he could stand to be pulled out of his shell and out into the land of the living now and then. You’ve come closer to doing that than anyone else has in quite some time.”

“Oh.” Kelwyn found himself blushing. He hadn’t expected to discuss his relationship with Harun here. He’d thought he would just get some formal welcome to the Queen’s Own, and be given his first orders.

“Do you know very much about his past?”

Kelwyn shook his head. “He never talks about it.” He frowned and added, “He won’t even tell me how old he is.”

The Queen chuckled softly. “He’s quite young by my standards, but most everyone is. I hope you will be good for him. Be gentle of his feelings, but don’t be afraid to push a bit. As I said, he could stand to be pulled out of his shell a little.”