“Ah Kelwyn,” he said, almost drowsily. “It’s so good…”
“Yeah. It is. Gonna just take my time, enjoy making you mine…”
“Yes…Please…” It was almost begging, though it was too soft, too relaxed. To be Kelwyn’s was what he wanted. To surrender utterly. To give himself completely over to his care and for his use.
“My Harun,” murmured Kelwyn, bending over him.
“Mmm, yes…”
Then there was nothing for a long time but soft moans and sighs as Kelwyn slowly took him, slowly stroked him. He’d had many lovers over his long life, but he didn’t know that he’d ever surrendered so completely to one before. He’d always been the one to take charge, the one to insist on being in control. Letting go of that was far more wonderful than he could have anticipated. He felt he could simply do this forever, with no need of fulfillment.