Chapter 22

She helped him to his feet, and they set off again.

The three blocks to the hospital seemed much longer to Garner, and though it had not been bravado that had made him insist on walking, by the time they reached the hospital’s emergency entrance, he was struggling to do this, even with Vera’s help. She maintained her grip on his good arm, however, to steady him. The pain had increased, so much so that he had to grit his teeth to keep from crying out.

I’m reallyout of shape, he thought bitterly—and felt a slight comfort. Self-loathing aside, being in shape was something he could deal with. As for the rest of what was going on—he had noidea.

In the emergency room his bleeding condition produced quick service. After getting his insurance information and determining that he wasn’t going to faint right away, the triage nurse took his vitals, and in a short time he was being examined by a doctor.