Chapter 32

At that moment, he hatedhimself.

* * * *

Lunch with Vera was briefer than he had expected.

“Sorry!” was her first word to him as she joined him at the table on the front patio of the restaurant. “I’ve got to be somewhere—earlier than I thought.”

After assuring her that that was not a problem, they ordered, and then settled back in their respective chairs.

“Well?” Vera asked after studying him. “You’ve got something on your mind.”

Garner smiled and nodded. Then, leaning forward, he half-whispered, “I met him, last night.”

Vera blinked several times. “Met who?”

“The guy at the restaurant who was taken down by your friends the night I got shot.”

Vera’s face tightened and she gave a rapid shake of her head. “Don’t call them my friends.”

“Okay. Whatever. His name is Alonzo.”

“So, he’s alive, then.”
