Chapter 69

That too was incredible, but far, farmore attractive. It had been an experience of such intensity, pleasure, and fulfillment, that he had never before even thought possible. And, though the sex itself had been amazing and mind-blowing; it was the loveconnection, the real sense of communion, with Alonzo that struck Garner as the most wonderful part.

Such as sense of coming together, connecting, becoming one!

He laughed with quiet embarrassment. They had certainly connected—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—if that was the word. It was this aspect, rather than the bizarre ideas associated with the Variant state of being itself—the ingesting of blood, climbing up drainpipes—that seemed the most incredible.

It was too good to be true, he caught himself thinking. He didn’t deserve this

And with that, a fountain of thoughts, aspects of his long-standing personal habit of self-doubt, rose. He fought against them, and slightly to his own surprise, eventually succeeded.