Chapter 76

And then had come puberty and high school, fresh concerns for the growing youth, and finally a true escape, to college in the city.

He had never looked back. The city, his few friends, and his apartment, it was comfortable, and that was all he asked of life.

It had been a theory of his late adolescence that the feeling of pull toward his uncle had been a pre-pubescent manifestation of his same-sex attraction. For his uncle had been virile and good looking in his own way.

But now, now that his aunt had said that—about both having something brightabout them—it brought out another possibility.

What if his uncle had been a Sensitive, too?

The idea was intoxicating. Andit promised relief from that old guilt. The mere possibility had the effect of easing his mind, and so it was that he sank into sleep at last.18: Family History