Chapter 27

“I didn’t. Anticipation,” he said.

It was a little crowded, two grown men in big coats, an arm and a leg that wouldn’t bend, a guitar, and a pair of crutches.

“My battery’s dead.” That explained why Finn hadn’t called. “And I…Maybe I’ve been riding the bus back and forth all day since my appointments.” That explained the rest.

I laughed. “No way.”

“Way. Watching Wayne’s World is what drained my battery.”

“Is that true?”

“You can’t handle the truth.”


“What you talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?”

“You almost done here?”

“Kiss my grits.” Finn had gone from no TV and movie knowledge to fluency in entertainment puns and innuendo.

“I’m not completely sure where a person’s grits are, but I bet yours are cute as hell,” I told him.