“What?” The exclamation had come rather loudly and sudden.
“You have better eyebrows.” Finn traced over one with his index finger and my spit. “You have great eyebrows.”
“What makes great eyebrows?” I asked.
“What makes a rose or a sunset, a rainbow, snowflake, or nipple perfect? They just are, and everyone knows it.”
“What’s this? Tickle, tickle.” With Finn’s arm in the air, his sexy armpit was too inviting not to go there, even though something else had caught my eye first.
“What’s what?”
“On your elbow.” It cracked me up when he tried to look at it. “Humans can’t look at their own elbows.”
“Who says?”
He kept trying. I kept laughing.
“You’re gonna break your good arm twisting it like that.”
Finn got up and went to the mirror. Bonus—I got to watch him walk naked across the bedroom again.
“Motor oil,” he determined. “I must have missed a spot after my day at the bus garage.”
“I almost licked you, thinking it might be chocolate.”