Chapter 5

A tapping on the bathroom door caused me to jump.


“Did you say something, Dante?” Thank God it was my mother and not Uncle John.


“Are you all right?”

“I’m f-fine, Mum.”

“You don’t want to be late for lecture. You know your uncle doesn’t like it when you borrow his car, and if you don’t hurry, he might decide he needs it more than you do.”

She was right, he’d done it before. I was only able to go to Mercer University part time, but I couldn’t afford to miss another lecture because I didn’t have the means to get to the campus. “I’ll be out in a second. I just have to wash my hands.”

I gave a last, uneasy glance at the toilet, then flushed, tucked my dick away, and did up my trousers. I ran the water in the sink, all the while thinking furiously.

We didn’t have a computer here on the farm, but I could use one in the computer lab at the university. I’d look up my symptoms before I decided the best course of action to take.