Chapter 20

Elvira appeared at my shoulder, scaring the spit out of me. “You got a phone call,” she said in her harsh nasal voice. She narrowed her black, beady eyes at me, making them even beadier, and while I knew she was only a year or so older than Mum, the gray streaks in her wiry hair made her appear closer to Uncle John’s age.

“Oh. Thanks, I’ll go—”

“You know Mr. John don’t like you getting phone calls.”

Which was why I didn’t have many friends. “Who called, Elvira?”

“Some smart aleck who tried to convince me he was a doctor. Doctor’s don’t call on the phone, just like they don’t make house calls no more. Must’ve thought I was born yesterday.”

“Who did you think it was?”

“One of your useless boyfriends most likely.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend, useless or otherwise.”

“Well, he’s already called a few times.” She sneered at me.

My stomach lurched. “Did he give a name?”

She shrugged. “I put a bug in his ear and told him not to call here again before he could.”