Chapter 4

I pulled away, tried to catch my breath.

“Okay,” I said.


“We’ll go on a date.”

He smiled, reached out, grasped my cock through the fabric of my khakis, felt its hardness and need. Without a word, he knelt, undid my belt and pants, unzipped the zipper. I did not protest when my pants and boxers slid down around my ankles and my erection was revealed. He stared at it for a long moment, then gently grasped it and began to stroke it.

“Oh God,” I whispered. “I didn’t know you meant going on a date right now.”



“Shut up.”

He licked at the tip of my cock, looked up at me, and beamed a perfect, happy smile.

In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought. I removed my shirt and stepped out of my pants. Nude, I allowed him to take my hardness into his mouth and suck.

He was good. Honest to Christmas.