“Hey, Mama,” I said as I went into the kitchen.
“Did you get Mr. Hankins in the ground?” she asked in a distracted voice. “Lord, I hope the dirt don’t freeze this year. Hasn’t so far, which is a bit odd, isn’t it? Seems like Christmas time was always so cold, but this year it’s been forties and fifties every day.”
“Climate change,” I suggested.
“The climate is changing all right,” she opined. “But that don’t mean we all need to start driving electric cars. We ain’t the Jetsons, you know.”
“I know, Mama.”
“And the only thing there’s too much of out there in that ‘atmosphere’ is our tax dollars, and I’m sure they’d just love to find ways to spend more of them. The damned fools. Now they’re going on about lightbulbs and that fella came in the other day talking about how to change out all our light bulbs for more ‘energy-efficient’ bulbs. I’ll give him some ‘energy-efficient’ bulbs all right.”
“We could save a lot of money over time,” I pointed out.