He felt emotions catch at the corners of his eyes; he battled them back. Perfectly fine. Being absurd. Letting words scrape at scars, when he knew better; he knew he wasn’t good enough, of course he wasn’t, and so Jason thinking less of him shouldn’t bother him.
He looked down at his notes. Blue ink gleamed like blood on a script. If he held it out an open window, the rain would wash it all away over cobblestones in that carriage yard.
“Colby?” Jill had come closer without him noticing. Andy was on his other side. They exchanged glances; Andy said, “Hey, Colby, you know things about wine, you can help with this. We were trying to pick out something for my parents’ anniversary, and they like good wine but they like to, y’know, drink it, they’re not really collectors, but I still want it to be good, and Adrian and I are so not wine people and Jill’s no help, so can I ask you?”