
Chapter 46

Colby gave him a little head-tilt and a curious sweep of eyelashes, down and up. “I said I don’t mind. Sometimes.”

“You’re depressingly cute,” Leo said through a mouthful of steak, “and also, I personally don’t mind watching you two getting kinky with food, but other people might.”

“I assumed you were making a point about me eating,” Colby said to Jason. “Leo, on the other hand, is often pointless—”

“Frequently,” Leo agreed, unbothered, and went back to his steak.

“—but also may in this case have a point,” Colby finished. “I expect we should behave. Though, once in a while…yes. We can do that.”

“Sometimes,” Jason said. “If you need reminders.”

Colby smiled more, and leaned into him more, and took a sip of the day’s most recent coffee. Raspberry mocha steam kissed his eyelashes, his cheeks, Will’s artistic hair. Jason wanted to take a picture of him: wanted to keep that moment and that sight forever.