Water wasn’t exactly a friend, but they’d come to terms. Mutual understanding. Appreciation. He thought of Colby when thinking of it, now. Adoration of rain and thunderstorms, and also lots of bare skin, a swimming pool, and that tiny swimsuit.
He remembered that night, finding his mark for the next take. He’d been so clumsy. So anxious. So in love, before he’d ever given the emotion the right name. Colby’s compassion, Colby’s cleverness, Colby’s heart. Bruised and battered but wide open and generous. So brave. The bravest. The most heroic.
He hadn’t known, then. No idea about how much he could have, how lucky he could be. A future with Colby Kent. Waking up with those exuberant blue eyes and that shy happy pleasure at the universe, every day.