Colby, alone in Will’s study, stared at his ciphers.
Ryan flew in. The door banged. Babbling words hit the air like firecrackers.
Jason realized he was leaning forward. So were several other people.
Stephen came through the door. Will flung himself across the last space between them, and Stephen’s good arm closed around him, as Will’s inhale splintered over the beloved name, and they kissed like the dawn of the world.
Applause broke out. Applause, and sighs, and tears.
Jason peeked over at George, curious. George hadn’t stirred, but a drop of crystal caught the light on one cheek.
Colby was crying just a little too, one fingertip flicking luminescence away. Jason gazed at him and loved him and loved the world and loved Stephen and Will; somehow that sight made his own eyesight blurry, made a lump form in his throat.