
Chapter 84

“So you’ve been worried as well.” Colby’s smile quirked: wry and amused. “Occasionally we’re dreadful at talking, aren’t we?”

“Nah. Not dreadful. We just need a minute to figure stuff out, sometimes.” He leaned in. “You said yes about needing to feel safe. How’re we doing? Can I kiss you?”

“Much better, in fact.” Colby leaned in also with the reply, a breath away, and finished, “Yes, you can.” The words brushed Jason’s mouth; he touched his lips to Colby’s, drank them in.

Colby tasted like coffee and sweetness, and kissed back without hesitation. He even met Jason’s tongue with his, teasing and testing in turn.

The oven chirped, blatant and unabashed. Colby started laughing into the kiss. “Speaking of hopefully delicious things.”

“Were we?”

“Well, I was kissing you. That counts. It helps, you know.”

“Me being nervous too,” Jason agreed, keeping up. “And also the kissing.”

“Yes to both. Though I wouldn’t mind if you did walk out here naked. I enjoy you naked.”