Chapter 5

“Anyway, the Cowboys offered me a shitload of money. The first week of training camp I blew four tendons in my knee. I had my signing bonus and salary because I had insurance in case of an injury sustained on the field. The policy was written for the amount of my salary for rest of my contract which ran six years. If my agent hadn’t insisted on insurance for a career ending injury when I signed, I would have been both broke and injured when I limped out of camp. Sure they took care of the injury but Sam Stein knew what he was doing negotiating for that insurance guarantying my salary. Because Sam insisted on them providing me with that insurance, my business partner and I were able to pool our funds and buy this bar and several other businesses around town.”

“Wow,” the kid said. He seemed impressed. “It sounds like it was a good thing you had Sam Stein on your side. Hey, isn’t he the one who played drums for Shattered Glass?”