Chapter 26

Kitty waved to Uncle Zach and Jason using both hands. She shouted hello. Jason had to run after the merry-go-round to insist she hold the bar on the unicorn she rode this time around. “She never gets tired of that thing. I’d be sick as a dog after going three rounds on that,” Jason said. He held his stomach at just the thought of it.

“You know I can lend you the money for the roof. It’s not like I’d miss it.”

“I know you would, Zach, but I can’t let you. I value our friendship too much to let money get in the way.” Jason took a bite out of his hot dog and left some ketchup on his upper lip. Zach took a napkin and wiped it off without thinking.

Jason blushed. “You must think I’m six, having to wipe my mouth.”