Chapter 4

“This is the first time that Zach’s seen someone for something more than a booty call since Daniel dumped him.”

“Why did this Daniel leave him? Zach told Jason he had insurance that paid out the rest of his contract and that was why he believed in good insurance on the job. Besides that he’s going to school to get his doctorate in psychology. In fact, there’s money in that profession plus prestige and a good paycheck even if he becomes a college professor. It makes no sense that Daniel didn’t know Zach had insurance.”

“Zach never thought to mention it to him. Zach’s parents were dead, and he was mourning them. Money wasn’t on his mind. As far as Daniel knew, once Zach’s knee went the first week in training camp, he was broke. After that, Zach was toast.”

“It’s telling that this is the first time he’s put any effort in a relationship in so long a period. I still have reservations.”

“Yes…” Keith invited him to share.