Chapter 37

Greg answered on the first ring. “Dr. Harris…”

“This is Keith Anderson. I have Bobby Michaels here. He’s staying with me. I found him in the shower hysterical huddled in the corner with icy water spraying over him. He didn’t even realize the hot water ran out.” Keith stood and started to pace.

“I can give him the sedative we gave him in the ER to get through the wake and the funeral, but I’d rather it be used sparingly because of the concussion. I’ll also prescribe an antidepressant. That should help him deal with his emotions. I want to see him as soon as he’s buried his parents. We spoke about Tuesday at eleven, is that still good for you?”

“We’ll be there.”

“Cisco and I are coming with Jake and Davey to the wake and funeral. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“Thank you, Greg.”

“Not a problem.”

* * * *

January 2nd, Thursday Evening