Reggie bent over laughing. Greg came out of his office. “We’re all in good spirits, I see.”
“Yes,” Reggie and Mark answered simultaneously.
Greg turned to Mark. “Are you ready to come in or should Reggie go first this time?”
“I think, Reggie.”
“As I said, the last twenty minutes of Reggie’s appointment and the first twenty minutes of yours I’ll see you together. Okay?”
Reggie put his arm around Mark’s shoulder and squeezed. “Sounds fine to us.”
* * * *
Reggie followed Greg into the inner office and sat down on the edge of the sofa.
“No thanks, we had some on the way.”
“Tell me about yourself.”
Reggie shrugged. “There isn’t much to say. You know most of it. I graduated from Wharton, bought Bobby’s house and I’m in love with Mark.” Reggie didn’t look Greg in the eye.
“You and I both know you’re practicing avoidance…What about Reggie before college? Growing up, what was it like?”