Chapter 3

“We’ll take the keys,” Jack said. Carlo showed him the cash in the wallet. “Donate that to the hospital.” Jack started to walk out the door. Carlo grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Caro, the baby doesn’t know whose money this is, only that it’s green. Do what he says, take it for the baby. His insurance and the rest of the money will go to the child, this should too.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry I’m acting like such an ass.”

“You’re not being an ass, caro, just someone who was left holding a bag of shit and hasn’t quite figured out what to do with it. That’s what you have me for. Come on, we’ll go to his lawyer’s and then determine if you want to see the baby.”

* * * *

Thursday, Beau’s lawyer’s office, 10 A.M.