Chapter 13

“Ah yes, the insurance. Neonatal intensive care isn’t cheap. Knowing Zach, you’ll have a fifty-dollar co-pay for the hospital and that will be it.” Greg chuckled.

“That’s a relief. The state policy for police is good but not great.” Jack shook his head. “I’ll call you and make an appointment.”

“No, I have my appointment book with me. You’ll come on Tuesday, the day after the shower, at two with Carlo. He’s going to need some help adjusting too.”

“Do you have a recommendation for a good baby doctor in this area?”

“Cisco says that Baumgartner, the Chief of Pediatrics at Central Shore takes patients. He’s already put in the call. Baumgartner said he’d drop in to see the resident who has been in charge of her care until today and take over.”

“Thank God, I don’t want something happening to her there. I remember what happened to Kitty. I reconnected with the guys when Kitty got sick. I couldn’t stay away.”