Chapter 19

As Isabella let out a big burp, Carlo said, “It’s good she burps easily. Guiseppe’s oldest, Giuseppe the third, otherwise known as Joey, had colic. What a time we had with him. We all took turns going to his house and spending the night so we could get up to walk the floor with the baby so my brother and poor Fran could get a full night’s sleep. It didn’t let up until he was three months old. By the way, only Mama and Papa can get away with calling my brother Junior. Yet he went and called his first son Giuseppe the third.”

“I hope that colic doesn’t rear its ugly head with Bella. I’d be nuts with worry and calling the doctor every other hour. I’d be so scared it was something else.”

“That’s why we have Mama and Papa, experience we can call upon if necessary.”

“Yeah, Jason didn’t take charge of Kitty until she was three so there’s no help there.” Isabella was diapered, fed and rocked by eight and they headed home to make breakfast.