Chapter 4

I am so going to get that bastard. Bobby walked up to Enzo. “Hi, Enzo, haven’t seen you at Jack and Carlo’s for a while. You should come see Bella. She’s getting chubby cheeks and dimples.”

Enzo quietly whistled. “Chubby cheeks? Dimples…? It sounds like she’s finally packing on the pounds.”

Bobby chuckled. “The doctor said she’s almost caught up to the ideal weight for her age.” Enzo’s body language remained rigid. He appeared angry because of that bastard Mike. “If you don’t have to be in to work early, why don’t you have breakfast with Keith and me?”

“I might as well. I took tomorrow off. I had hoped to be busy but my plans went south.”

Bobby looked over at the main bar. Gray couldn’t take his eyes off Enzo, and Enzo kept glancing at Gray when Gray wasn’t looking back. Bobby made an executive decision. “Hey Gray,” he called. “Keith and I are going out for breakfast with Enzo, do you want to come?”

Gray’s face brightened. “Sure, let me get my coat and call my mom.”