Chapter 12

“Oh, I saw Enzo’s face when he found out Mike didn’t give Gray the insurance information and didn’t mention his situation to Zach or me. He was pissed. I think he’s going to talk to Mike, but Mike isn’t going to like what Enzo has to say.” Keith grabbed Bobby’s Coke and took a swig.

“Eww, get your own.” Bobby took his can away from his husband.

“Eww, nothing, we exchange a lot more than spit.” Keith laughed.

“You’re right.” Bobby grabbed back his Coke can. “But get your own.”

Keith opened the fridge and brought out a Coke and turned to the pantry for potato chips. Bobby grabbed the chip bag out of Keith’s hand.

Keith laughed. “Get your own.” Bobby paid no attention. Keith stood and came over to Bobby’s chair, grabbing him from behind and stealing a kiss.

“You have to admit I was right about Mike. He’s a prick, even if he’s not a thief,” Bobby grumbled.