Chapter 28

He told Gray as they headed home, “One thing that this has taught me is to take the time to do what I want to do, and not pressurize myself into doing things I have no talent for. I hired good people. It’s time I let them do their jobs and get back into my lab. Your mother’s illness is a wake-up call telling me not to waste my life doing things I don’t want to do and work that I hate. I’m not an administrator, I’m a scientist.”

“At one time, I wanted to be an engineer,” Gray said, his eyes pensive. “But when Mom got sick that was no longer possible. I don’t blame her. God knows it’s been harder on her than it has been on me, but I wish it could have been different.” He sighed.

Gray was beginning to open up to him. Enzo took that as a good sign. “After your mom’s treatment, you may want to go to school.”