Chapter 44

“Who’s Mr. Hyland?”

“He’s the local lawyer everyone uses since Mr. Michaels died.”

“We’ll have Carlo take care of it.” Enzo stopped as if in the middle of a thought. “Baby, what’s your father’s name?”

“Grayson Grey. I’m the third, why?”

Enzo frowned. “Do you know if your father stayed in this area?”

Gray took a sip of his coffee. “I have no idea. One day he was gone. We never heard from him again.”

Enzo’s forehead got the two little vertical lines between his brows that Gray found charming. “I was going to try to find him anyway. Genevieve needs all the support she can get. Is there any family other than your father?”

“Mom and Dad were both only children so I had no aunts, uncles, or cousins. My grandparents died before Mom got sick. I never knew my father’s parents.” Gray cleaned his plate of all food. He was definitely eating more and would have to use some of his new salary to buy clothes.

“Did you know their names?” Enzo persisted.