Chapter 64

“While you were outside, I told your grandmother the absolute truth. That even if something happened to all of my family, you still had family to depend on. Keith and Bobby already volunteered to take you and Genevieve into their home, but I beat them to it.”

“The Sunset Club, with the notable exception of the late unlamented Mike, is very tight, but I didn’t realize it went that far.”

“It goes that far…I knew from Carlo. I also told her your college was covered, as was any expense related to your mother. Now they know you don’t want anything from them but their love.” They stopped the car and Enzo kissed Gray lightly on the lips as he unbuckled his belt. He went around to Gray’s side and opened the door.

“I’ll bet my father used me as a bargaining chip before. Mom said something about not letting them see me last night.”

“Yeah, I heard what you heard. I’m sorry, baby, but your father is a real bastard.”

Gray giggled.