Pallas counted them and stuffed them into the small pocket of his own bag. There. That was out of the way. “Okay. I don’t do anal. Rim jobs included,” Pallas said, matter-of-factly. “I’m HIV negative. Last test, three weeks ago. If you’re HIV undetectable, that’s fine, if not, you need to let me know.”
“No, I don’t have anything. Not even a cold.” Harris composed himself and pointed to the couch. “Please, have a seat.” When Pallas had settled himself on the couch, Harris sat by him, but not too close, and at an angle, so as to face him. “Well,” he said with a nervous smile, “Hi, how are you?”
There was a trace of tension on the young man’s beautiful face and on his lap, his hands kept clenching, his knuckles turning white. “Good, thanks. Uh, and you?”
Had to put this guy at ease. He wasn’t going to jumphim or even take the lead. “Can I get you anything to drink maybe?” he asked.