Chapter 12

“So, you’re patient then,” Pallas said.

“Only when I really want something.” Harris took Pallas’s elbow. “Come on, let’s get out of the lab before you get a headache.”

They stepped out. “Thank you for showing me your lab,” Pallas said.

Harris shut the door behind them. “I don’t usually let anyone in there, by the way. It’s a thing with us perfumers—the secrecy. Don’t want people copying the formulas. You know, Catherine de Medici had a secret passage into her perfumer’s lab.”

“Who was he?”

“Rene Le Florentin. He was famous for his perfumes…and fishes.”


“Yeah, he sold fish, too.” Harris stopped by the bar, wanting a drink. “I read somewhere that King Louis XIV had a perfume for every day.”

“‘Cause he probably smelled like shit.”

Harris burst into laughter. “So fucking true.”