Chapter 19

Feeling confused, but strangely happy, Harris went straight to bed in his clothes, refusing to rid himself of the shirt that still smelled of Pallas. Of Jude

For once in his life, he’d have to be patient and delicate, if he was going to get through Pallas’s hard line of defense and into Jude’s heart.Second Part: Middle notes, the heart of the fragrance


In front of the Old Port boutique, Harris paced the sidewalk, waiting for Jude to show up.

Even with the pressure of tomorrow’s launch party weighing on him, he was in great spirits today, readily smiling at strangers, willing to overlook the negative details in everything. He couldn’t understand these bursts of adrenaline surging though his body. He’d be talking with a client, looking over a display, and suddenly his face would flush and he’d feel hot around the collar. These weren’t like his normal mini highs. No, these moments of joy were real and deep. Was he finally tasting happiness?